Plasmid Collections

Collection: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) ORF collection (ZM552 expression vector)

Description: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ORF collection in the ZM552 expression vector (CMD1 promoter, ampicillin resistance in e.coli, LEU2 resistance in yeast) from the Harvard Institute of Proteomics (HIP) at HMS. Clones are in the CLOSED format (stop codon is present).
Total number of clones in the collection: 5091
Price: $ 35637.0 ($7.00 per clone)
Use Restriction: No restriction

To request individual clones from the collection, download the Excel file, find the clones of interest, copy the Clone IDs and use them clone identifier search . You can then click to add individual clones to your cart (far right-hand side of the table).