Member - Expedited MTA

What does it mean to be a member of the Expedited MTA Network?

Your institution has already agreed to the terms of our material transfer agreement (MTA) in advance of your plasmid order. This means that when you order your plasmids, we will begin processing your order without the delay of negotiating the MTA with your technology transfer office. When you check out, you will be asked to personally agree to the terms of the MTA.

There are some plasmids in our collection with special MTAs that are not covered for member institutions. For these plasmid orders, we will send you the MTA package and work with your technology transfer office to have them signed as quickly as possible (usually these special MTAs are signed within a week).

If your institution is not a member, please contact us at DNASU MTA help so you too can begin receiving your plasmids without delay. For more information about our Expedited MTA process, see our paper in Nucleic Acid Research.