Plasmid Collections

Collection: Viral Collection pANT7-cGST V1

Description: The Viral ORF collection contains 2668 from human pathogenic DNA and RNA viruses. The collection provides near proteomic-level coverage for 147 strains of viruses including, Varicella Zoster, Human Herpes, Enterovirus and Influenza. Within strains, we have multiple serotypes of Human Papilloma, Adeno-associated, Coxsackievirus , Echovirus, and Human Corona viruses. This collection is in the pANT7-cGST vector ready for expression as a fusion-tagged protein. pANT7 cGST backbone vector is designed for in vitro transcription expression using human IVTT from Thermo Fisher or rabbit reticulocyte systems. Proteins are expressed with a c-terminal Glutathione transferase (GST) tag.
Total number of clones in the collection: 2614
Price: $ 18298.0 ($7.00 per clone)
Use Restriction: No restriction

To request individual clones from the collection, download the Excel file, find the clones of interest, copy the Clone IDs and use them clone identifier search . You can then click to add individual clones to your cart (far right-hand side of the table).