Functional Sleuth

A PSI target with unknown function

PDB 2A33 from the Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics (CESG)

We challenge you to determine the function of this protein! For more Functional Sleuth structures visit the PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase. The Protein Structure Initiative provides supplemental funding to individual research groups that want to elucidate the activity of these proteins of unknown function. Click here to see the Functional Sleuth featured in previous months!

structure of PDB ID 3ibs

Plasmid Information for 3IBS

Plasmid Clone ID AtCD00334382 in vector pVP13
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia
Structural Information RCSB PDB Structure Explorer - 2A33
Experimental Information GO.9733
PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase 2A33

Examples of Plasmids in DNASU with >50% similarity

Clone ID Organism/Gene name Max Identity(%)/
Alignment Length
AtCD00334343 Arabidopsis thaliana - hypothetical protein 100.0/594
AtCD00330684 Arabidopsis thaliana - hypothetical protein 90.62/512
AtCD00334122 Arabidopsis thaliana - hypothetical protein 90.62/512



Join the discussion. Add your thoughts for what this gene's function may be. We're not trying to annotate the protein, but to have some scientific fun coming up with ideas.


Updated for February 2011
Visit our Functional Sleuth Archive for previous structures