Functional Sleuth - October 2009

A PSI target with unknown function

structure of PSI ID 2pWW PDB 2PWW from New York SGX Research Center for Structural Genomics (NYSGXRC)

We challenge you to determine the function of this protein! For more Functional Sleuth structures visit the PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase. The Protein Structure Initiative provides supplemental funding to individual research groups that want to elucidate the activity of these proteins of unknown function.

Plasmid Information for 2PWW

Plasmid Clone ID BcCD00285550 in vector pSGX3 (C-terminal 6xHis tag)
Organism Bacillus clausii (more information)
Structural Information RCSB PDB Structure Explorer
Experimental Information NYSGXRC-10410f
PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase 2PWW




Examples of Plasmids in DNASU with >50% similarity (using our BLAST search option)

Clone ID Organism/Gene name Max Identity(%)/
Alignment Length
LpCD00292344 Legionella pneumophila/
LmCD00291926 Listeria monocytogenes/
Bacterial Pathogen
EcCD00291989 Escherichia coli/
Bacterial Pathogen

Updated for October/November 2009